Administrative Board

    • Administrative Board is a auxiliary body to the Rector in administrative activities. The Rector calls the Administrative Board to a meeting when necessary. The Rector presides over the meetings of the Administrative Board. In the absence of the Rector, the acting Rector deputising the Rector presides over the Senate. The Secretary General
    • The Secretary General attends the meetings of the Administrative Board as a rapporteur without the right to vote. The quorum for the meetings of the Administrative Board is half of the total number of members. Each member has one vote. The quorum for the decision is one more than half of the number of members participating in the vote; in case of equality of votes, the vote casted by the chairperson is deemed to secure majority.
    • University Administrative Board consists of
      • Rector,
      • Vice-Rectors,
      • Commanders of Military Academies,
      • Deans of Military Academies,
      • Commanders of NCO Vocational HE Schools,
      • One Director elected among the directors of the War Colleges for a year by the Senate, and
      • One Director elected among the directors of the Institutes for a year by the Senate.