Erasmus Office

National Defence University (Milli Savunma Üniversitesi, MSU) aims to internationalize and globalize its educational activities in integration with the state-of-the-art and universal knowledge on science and technology among European partners whose educational focus is mainly on defence, aviation and naval science subjects. With this vision, three Turkish Military Higher Educational Academies (bachelor degree), ten graduate Institutions (master/doctoral degree) and four Vocational Schools (short cycle degree) were merged under the roof of MSU in July 2016. Besides, MSU Erasmus Office was established in November 2016 to achieve awareness, coordinating participation and dissemination of the outcomes of the Erasmus Key Action (KA) objectives.

An institutional coordinator, a vice coordinator, a secretarial representative and an executive are the members of the Erasmus Office. The staff have been assigned to serve as full-time basis. Also, two Erasmus representative personnel are officially assigned from the academies, institutions and vocational schools. The staff is highly appreciated and firmly supported by the rectorate.